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How to Use The FRONTMAN® Clear Skin Kit for Ultimate Confidence

Annelise Hillmann • Jul 17, 2023

This is the easiest men's skincare routine, great for anyone with oily or acne-prone skin, regardless of gender. In just 3 easy products, actively treat breakouts and get clear, healthy skin for ultimate confidence.

① Cleanse with Zit Wipes.

Wipe oily areas of face including forehead, nose, and chin. For the full effect of the Salicylic Acid, do not rinse your face after using. Leave it on, and it will dry quickly. Use up to 2x daily for clear skin.

② Apply Skintone Acne Treatment.

Tap a small dot of product onto the zit or acne-prone area. A little goes a long way. (Each tube contains ~3 months worth of product). Its active ingredient, Salicylic Acid, works to deeply penetrate pores and clean out acne-causing debris through exfoliation. 
Though it won't hurt you to leave it on, it's best to sleep with clean skin (or nighttime treatments like Zit Wipes or Zit Patches) to let your body restore.

③ Apply Zit Patches.

Apply Zit Patches on pimples with whiteheads or exposed openings. Leave patch on for 6-10 hours. Remove patch to see extracted gunk and flattened zit.

Get all three products in our Clear Skin Kit, featuring three powerful breakout busters that work synergistically to give the instant appearance of clear skin while tackling acne head-on so you can achieve clear, healthy skin and exude confidence in every situation.

Clear Skin Kit for Men