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How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair in the Pubic Area: A Comprehensive Guide for Men

Nick Bunn • Mar 15, 2023

Ingrown hairs in the pubic area can be a painful and embarrassing condition for men. They occur when a hair follicle becomes clogged with dead skin cells and other debris, leading to an infection and inflammation. In severe cases, ingrown hairs can cause scarring and permanent hair loss. In this guide, we'll explain what causes ingrown hairs in the pubic area, how to prevent them, and the best treatments for getting rid of them.

ingrown hairs

What Causes Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Area?

Ouch – we've all had those pubes that seemingly of their own accord decide to protest. But what causes ingrown hairs? Ingrown hairs in the pubic area are caused by several factors, including:

  1. Curly Hair

    Sorry, my curly-haired dudes. Curly hair is more prone to ingrown hairs than straight hair. This is because curly hair is more likely to bend back into the skin, causing irritation and inflammation. Ingrown hairs are *literally* growing back into the skin.

  2. Shaving

    Shaving can cause ingrown hairs by cutting the hair too short and allowing it to grow back into the skin. This might seem counterintuitive, but a freshly cut hair at the surface level of the skin could easily grow at an angle and never break through the top. Shaving can also cause irritation and inflammation, leading to ingrown hairs.

  3. Tight Clothing

    Tight clothing can trap sweat and bacteria, which can lead to ingrown hairs. Friction from tight clothing can also cause irritation and inflammation, making it easier for ingrown hairs to form.

  4. Dead Skin Cells

    Dead skin cells can clog hair follicles and cause ingrown hairs. This is more likely to occur in areas of the body that are prone to friction, such as the pubic area.

How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Area

Preventing ingrown hairs in the pubic area is all about keeping the skin clean and healthy. Here are some tips to prevent ingrown hairs:

  • Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliate the skin regularly to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged hair follicles. Use a Glycolic Acid Lotion, gentle exfoliating scrub, or a loofah to exfoliate the skin.

  • Use a Sharp Razor

Use a sharp razor when shaving to prevent cutting the hair too short. Dull razors can cause irritation and inflammation, leading to ingrown hairs.

  • Shave in the Direction of Hair Growth

Shave in the direction of hair growth to prevent pulling the hair out of the follicle and causing irritation.

  • Moisturize the Skin

Moisturize the skin after shaving to prevent dryness and irritation. Use a moisturizer that is free of fragrances and other irritants.

  • Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing
Wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibers like cotton to reduce friction and prevent sweat and bacteria from getting trapped.

How to Treat Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Area

If you already have ingrown hairs in the pubic area, don't worry. There are several treatments available that can help get rid of them.

  • Warm Compress

Apply a warm compress to the affected area to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Soak a washcloth in warm water and apply it to the skin for 10-15 minutes several times a day.

  • Topical Creams
Topical creams containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid can help exfoliate the skin and prevent ingrown hairs. Apply the cream to the affected area once or twice a day.
  • Antibiotics

Antibiotics may be necessary if the ingrown hair becomes infected. Your doctor may prescribe an oral antibiotic or an antibiotic cream to apply directly to the skin. Consult your dermatologist first.


We all know ingrown hairs in the pubic area can be a painful and embarrassing condition for men. However, they are preventable and treatable. By following the tips and treatments outlined in this post, you can prevent and get rid of ingrown hairs. Remember to keep your skin clean and healthy, exfoliate regularly, and use a sharp razor when shaving. With a little patience and persistence, you'll be in the clear.